Sonoma Valley Inn

2024 | Sonoma, CA | A Tapestry Collection by Hilton

  • 78 room boutique hotel.

  • Sonoma County days are filled with sun and flowers; the nights smell of warmed earth...the people of this sun splashed county have one characteristic in common -- they are acutely aware of their natural blessings.

    Sonoma’s old-fashioned charm is on display in the town center, where the Sonoma Mission and19th century obsession the plaza. Sonoma Plaza, the largest in California, is both a National Historic Monument and the lively hub of everyday Sonoma life. The center of the plaza is home to the city hall and a town park and the surrounding blocks are lined with dozens of world-class eateries, shops, and tasting rooms.

    Today, history walks in tandem with current times. Modern winemaking techniques are tucked away in buildings that were state of the art nearly a century ago, and wine tasting opportunities abound.


The Jordan A curio collection by Hilton


Hilton Arcadia Flagship Hilton hotel; new-build